Mark Watson

I joined the Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Concordia University as Assistant Professor in July 2008 but had first moved to Montreal in 2006 to take up a position as Postdoctoral Fellow in the Comparative Study of Indigenous Rights and Identities, in the Department of Anthropology, McGill University. There I developed my work on Indigenous Ainu in Tokyo in terms of thinking about Urban Indigenous Studies as a coherent (sub-)field of anthropological research. I did my doctoral work in Anthropology at the University of Alberta between 2000-2005 two years of which I spent doing fieldwork as Visiting Researcher at the Institute for International Culture, Showa Women’s University, Tokyo, Japan. I also spent 8 months at the Centre for Japanese Research, Institute of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia. My doctoral thesis (2006) was entitled Kanto Resident Ainu and the Urban Indigenous Experience.


Professeur associé
Faculty of Art and Science
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Concordia University



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