The brave new world of unstable jobs hiding in plain sight: A reply to Murphy and Turner.

Notice bibliographique

St-Denis, X. (2023). The brave new world of unstable jobs hiding in plain sight: A reply to Murphy and Turner. Journal of Industrial Relations, 65(5), 717-733.


The article Employment stability and decent work published in the Journal of Industrial Relations by Murphy and Turner presents evidence forming the basis of a claim that job instability has not increased in Ireland between 1998 and 2021. This contrasts with a rich literature in industrial relations and the sociology of work and organizations, which documents the fundamental transformation of employment relationships since the 1990s toward greater insecurity. In this response paper, I question the empirical foundations of Murphy and Turner’s claims. Analyzing the same data set used in their study, I provide clear evidence that an increase in job instability consistent with the precarious work literature has been hiding in plain sight. I also engage with their efforts at theorizing the nature of the recent transformation of employment relationships in Ireland specifically, and in Liberal Market Economies more broadly. In doing so, I suggest research avenues that go beyond a polarized debate in whether or not job instability has increased in order to contribute to a more complex understanding of contemporary changes in career trajectories.


Publication du membre

Xavier St-Denis

Appartenance aux volets
