Youths’ relationships with the land, each other, and their community: A critical lens and engagement with the transdisciplinary and heterogeneous.

Notice bibliographique

Takeuchi, M.A., Adams, J., Alley, Z., Baker, K., Gutiérrez, K., Lehrer, R., Leyva, L., Rahm, J., Sengupta, P., Shanahan, M-C., Tagalik, S., Yin, P. et Kayumova, S. (2020). Rethinking transdisciplinarity in the learning sciences: Critical and emergent perspectives. Dans Gresalfi, M. et Horn, I. S. (dir.), The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) Volume 3 (pp. 1463-1470). Nashville, Tennessee: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Publication du membre

Jrène Rahm

Appartenance aux volets
